Wellness services in Tündérkert Hotel Noszvaj for a wellness weekend

Tündérkert Hotel and Conference Center opened its gates in Noszvaj at the beginning of 2016. Tündérkert Hotel awaits its guests with 30 rooms constructed and decorated in vintage style and 6 romantic mini suites. The hotel is a perfect place for both family and business travellers. Tündérkert Hotel is a true child-friendly accommodation, where, a unique variety of quality programs is offered even for the smallest members of the family.

<- Wellness services in Tündérkert Hotel Noszvaj for a wellness weekend - ✔️ Tündérkert Hotel*** Noszvaj - wellness hotel in Noszvaj ->

Wellness services in Tündérkert Hotel Noszvaj for a wellness weekend

-✔️ Tündérkert Hotel*** Noszvaj - wellness hotel in Noszvaj -

Noszvaj 3325, Dobó út 10.

Room reservation phone: 00-36-1-2279614

Room reservation fax: 00-36-1-2279614

Room reservation Email: Hotel E-mail

Budapest Hotels - Budapest Hotel Booking Tel/Fax: +36 1 227 9614

Online Reservation

✔️ Tündérkert Hotel*** Noszvaj - wellness hotel in Noszvaj

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